Here you can find some basic information about who Memorial Printers are.
The owner of this website
Andy’s IT Services ( Registered 11/03/2008 )
Old Mill Road, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, Ireland
Phone: (+353) 01 963 7008
Reg. No. 35382922
To verify go to CRO record search page and enter the above Registered Business Name.
Connected websites
Other Irish websites owned by the above: (since 2011, IEDR ) – web development (since 2013, IEDR) – personalised baby cards printing
History and background
This website was originally launched in 2013 as (we still own this domain).
In December 2014 we changed the address to – .ie domain registry record here.
Since then, we specialise in design and print of Memorial Cards, also referred to as “In Memoriam Cards”. We also design and print Acknowledgement Cards, Wallet Memorial Cards, Memorial Bookmarks and Keyrings.
Our customer service commitment
Like we say in our returns policy “we would rather lose money on your order than leave you unhappy”. Such attitude makes things easy. We can focus on solving the problem (should it arise) in your favour, rather than on coming up with smarter excuses.
Experience & competitive edge
We have 20+ years of experience in print industry, graphic design & web development. This broad in-house skillset allows us to successfully provide quality and compete with businesses that are many times our size.

For you this means that you will get personal, local business kind of service and quality supervised by someone with years of experience in print industry.
Another words you will get great value.

See this page for details about our production process and quality.
Apart from professional design and production capabilities we offer full custom built online ordering/personalisation system. It allows us to offer you better value.
Should you prefer to order memorial cards in the privacy of your home you can do so using our online system.
If you require unique design or have some special requirements – our designer is there to help you achieve exactly what you want.
We are based in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway and supply nationwide.
We look forward to being of service to you.